May 4, 2021

The Gift Called Hospitality

Angels are sometimes dressed as a stranger, and the hospitality we show towards people leads us to blessings we do not expect.
April 1, 2021

Hit the Marriage Reset Button

There is no such thing as a perfect family. We received a command to bear with each other and to forgive one another. It is because, inside a circle of family, everyone matters. 
March 2, 2021

Quality Time

Time is a gift we can give to our family as it fills the emptiness of every situation and fills the gaps of absence. We must make an effort to show our family that we prioritize them, let them know that we are here, let them feel the affection they need. 
February 3, 2021

Family Over Everything

There will be no other things that can compare with the support, loyalty, and love that our family gives. Having a family who cares, accepts our flaws, and loves us for who we are is priceless. Our families are the roots that nourish.
January 6, 2021

Lord, Teach Me to be Patient

God's desire is not for us to handle our own problems but to turn to Him immediately when the trial starts, not as a last resort. 
December 3, 2020

The Rich and Poor

Let’s get our pride in check and recognize where our gifts are from before Satan has a heyday with it. Pride is his favorite and we know how his story ends.
November 6, 2020

Watch Your Mouth

A filthy mouth always hinders our relationship with the Lord. Jesus says that it’s not what goes into our mouth’s that defiles it but what comes out. He also taught that out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
October 1, 2020

Count It All Joy

The testing of your faith produces patience. God wants us to be so dependent on Him that we can’t even walk without holding His hand. Maybe His desire is not for us to handle our own problems but to turn to Him immediately when the trial starts, not as a last resort. 
September 1, 2020

I Am A Doer

Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ. Love them where they are. Understand where they are and why they are there. Help them bear their burdens.