May 30, 2024
tithing, word of life outreach ministries

Is He Worth a Dime?

Tithing, the practice of giving a tenth of one’s income to the church or ministry, is a biblical principle that many Christians struggle to embrace. Yet, tithing holds profound benefits, both spiritually and practically, for those who faithfully practice it.
May 1, 2024
The Journey to Pentecost

The Journey to Pentecost

While patience is indeed a virtue, it should be coupled with proactive faith. Instead of passively waiting for God to move, let's actively seek His guidance, take steps of obedience, and trust that He will meet us in our efforts.
April 3, 2024
God is waiting for us to take the first step of faith.

The Urgency of Now

While patience is indeed a virtue, it should be coupled with proactive faith. Instead of passively waiting for God to move, let's actively seek His guidance, take steps of obedience, and trust that He will meet us in our efforts.
March 5, 2024
Examine your beliefs, allegiances, and personal conviction and commitment to following Jesus, even in the face of opposition.

The Sword of Conviction

A challenging yet profound message from Jesus – to examine your beliefs, allegiances, personal conviction, and commitment to following Him, even in the face of personal opposition.
February 1, 2024

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What love has to do with our relationships, according to Jesus Christ, is everything. Love is not a fleeting emotion or a mere sentiment but a deliberate and intentional choice to put others before ourselves.
December 30, 2023

Strategic Simplicity

If you're truly serious about setting yourself up with a prosperous new year, treat it like any other major life goal. State your intentions, plan out your actions, and maintain the will to follow through.
December 5, 2023

Dollars & Sense

The best way to get a jump on holiday shopping is to begin with a holiday savings fund. This will ensure that you have the money that you need for holiday shopping before the very last shopping day! 
November 8, 2023

Press On

Instead of wishing for my life to become easier, I wish for the courage to see things through. I believe […]
October 2, 2023

Love Is The Key

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT I believe […]