In the journey of faith, it’s common to hear the phrase “God’s timing is perfect.” While this sentiment holds truth, there’s a danger in misinterpreting it as a call to passivity, where we wait idly for divine intervention. The reality is that while we wait on God, oftentimes, He’s waiting on us.
Procrastination can disguise itself as patience. We may convince ourselves that we’re being patient, trusting in God’s plan, when in reality, we’re simply avoiding responsibility or action. This mindset can hinder progress, personal growth, and the fulfillment of God’s purpose in our lives.
Consider the story of Moses. God called him to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, but Moses hesitated, citing his inadequacy and fear. Yet, God patiently waited for Moses to step into his calling. It wasn’t until Moses took action that God’s plan began to unfold.
Similarly, we may find ourselves in situations where we’re waiting for a sign, a miracle, or a clear direction from God. But perhaps, God is waiting for us to take the first step of faith, to exercise the gifts and abilities He’s given us, and to align our actions with His will.
Moreover, a mindset of waiting on God can lead to complacency. It’s easy to become passive observers of our own lives, expecting God to do all the work. However, faith without works is dead (James 2:26). God often works through us, empowering us to be agents of change in the world.
While patience is indeed a virtue, it should be coupled with proactive faith. Instead of passively waiting for God to move, let’s actively seek His guidance, take steps of obedience, and trust that He will meet us in our efforts. The time is now to embrace our calling, pursue our dreams, and live out God’s purpose for our lives. As we step out in faith, we’ll discover that God has been waiting for us all along, ready to guide and empower us every step of the way.