Have you ever stopped to wonder if miracles do happen today? After all, many people loosely float around the word “miracle” today. You’ll hear them saying that “It’s a miracle” that something happened. However, when you look at the Bible, you’ll see that this isn’t how miracles are defined. Instead, the Bible says that miracles are an act of God that results in something supernatural. In other words, something that couldn’t have possibly happened in any other way but God.
Some of the places in the Bible where we see that miracles do happen include:
- Feeding a multitude with five small loaves of bread and a couple of fish
- Casting out evil spirits
- Crossing the sea on dry land
- Healing the sick
- Walking on water
There’s no doubt that these things weren’t simply unusual. God caused them. Since we know that God isn’t limited, we should believe that He’s still in the miracle-working business today. However, it’s important to emphasize that it’s up to God to choose to do these miracles. We see this when we pray for people who are ill. God may choose to heal them miraculously, or He may not.
The Unseen Work of God
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? – Hebrews 1:14
When you question if miracles do happen today, we must remember that man can see not everything God does. For instance, God gives His angels work to do on our behalf. While there are times when they’ll make their presence known to us, frequently, this doesn’t happen. Therefore, much of the work they do is labeled as “miracles.”
Now you may wish to argue that more people would believe in Christ if they witnessed the miraculous happen. Unfortunately, this isn’t necessarily true. Consider how many people do miracles, yet these same people still refused to believe in Him. You don’t want to be so caught up in miracles that you become one of them.
Remember the Greatest Miracle of All
The greatest miracle of all is when someone opens their hearts to Christ and He gives them the gift of a transformed life. When others can see His love, compassion, joy, and purity in you, they’ll say that miracles do happen today. Have these changes occurred in your life? If not, it’s time to ask Him to make you a living witness to the miracle of His transforming power.