The relationships we cultivate have a significant impact on our spiritual growth and overall direction in life. Jesus, during His time on earth, taught and demonstrated the importance of surrounding ourselves with the right people. His example and teachings emphasize relationships that build, strengthen, and align us with God’s purpose for our lives.
One of Jesus’ key principles about relationships is found in John 15:13, where He says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” This shows that genuine relationships are sacrificial, rooted in love, and foster mutual care. True friends lift each other up, encourage righteousness, and remain steadfast even in difficult times.
Jesus also modeled selective relationships. While He ministered to the masses, He had an inner circle—Peter, James, and John—who witnessed His most intimate moments, such as His transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-2). He chose people who would not only follow Him but also carry His mission forward. This teaches us to prioritize relationships with those who challenge and inspire us to grow closer to God.
Moreover, Jesus warned about toxic and unfruitful relationships. In Matthew 7:6, He cautioned against giving what is sacred to those who will trample it, saying, “Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs.” This reminds us to guard our hearts and avoid relationships that pull us away from God’s path.
Jesus’ relationships were also marked by grace and forgiveness. He extended love to tax collectors, sinners, and even those who betrayed Him, such as Judas. However, He never allowed unhealthy behaviors to derail His mission, showing us the balance of loving others without compromising our spiritual well-being.
In your own life, consider the relationships that surround you. Are they leading you closer to God or pulling you away? By following Jesus’ example, you can cultivate connections that encourage growth, align with your purpose, and glorify God. As Proverbs 13:20 reminds us, “Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” Choose wisely and thrive.