Extended Hands Ministry
At Word of Life Outreach Ministries, our vision is to be the hands by which man is restored back to God and to be the place where anything great can happen. We believe that outreach brings the gospel to the lost and the lost to the gospel and will make it a priority to bring the Good News message to the people, no matter where we are gathered.
Ezekiel 34 presents a message of leadership that metaphorically expresses the relationship of a shepherd and his flock. The passage urges good shepherds to find and protect their flocks just as it urges good leaders to seek the lost and serve the interests of others. Ezekiel 34:16 (NIV) says to “search for the lost and bring back the strays…bind up the injured and strengthen the weak.” We understand that many people will never come through our doors so taking the gospel to them by any means necessary is what the heart of God is all about. We will be as the shepherd to his flock in our outreach efforts in our community.
By partnering together, we can put mission into action by organizing effective ways to meet the practical needs of our communities throughout the year. Through activities that are educational, charitable, benevolent and of service to the community at large we can help others to see the love of God and the work of Christ in us. We can help lead them to realize their own God-given potential and seek an everlasting relationship with Christ.
We are called by God to be his presence in the world. In our community outreach, we will incorporate Christian principles and biblical standards so that we can represent God through our example of Christian character and moral conduct no matter where we are gathered.
For more information on our Extended Hands Ministry, please email us!