Women of the Word
Women of the Word (WOW) is about helping women come to Christ and grow in Christ. By engaging in God’s word through both prayer and community, we will build a strong sisterhood of confident Christian Women that love God.
WOW is not only about getting women to be active in God’s word but it is about helping and equipping women to be intentional in their daily lives and their life long walk with Christ. Women will be provided with opportunities to experience spiritual renewal and to deepen their own faith through prayer and the study of the scriptures.
It has been said that our lives are a reflection of our attitudes. We will invite the Holy Spirit to allow us to be a conduit as we seek to gain self-esteem, improve our self-image and become more self-confident so that we become better mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, and servants of God.
Proverbs 31 lists the characteristics of a noblewoman who serves her family and community through hard work and open arms. It also tells us that a woman who fears the Lord should be praised. WOW provides a leadership resource to women that they may grow and develop spiritually and find their identity and purpose in Christ.
Through the study of God’s word, we create a leadership resource that strengthens our overall mission by nurturing and encouraging women who are the backbone of our ministry.
We seek to elevate each other’s worth by building a network of women who can support and lean on each other. We will work collectively to submit ourselves to Jesus Christ and to each other so that we may grow into mature believers united in faith and knowledge of God. By fostering friendships through meetings and activities we become closer with each other and develop real and lasting relationships.
For more information on the Women of the Word Ministry, please email us!